I live in Gikondo with my mother and seven siblings.
I joined YOSC in March 2009, as a player in YOSC league. In September the same year, Papias Nyangezi explained the YOSC concept to me and I attended basic coaching Corse. In October I started coaching YOSC Gikondo. In November I was elected to be the Event coordinator and first responsibility was to organize December 1st, World AIDS Day mixed gender and multi sports tournament which was very successful.
The following year the responsibilities increased and I became the assist sectary of coordinating committee; the second top level of management in the organization, a few months later I was assigned assistant chairperson tasks in Kigali district. In August the same year due to YOSC growth the organization did some re-structuring which led to leadership change and I became Kigali district coordinator and at the same time we developed projects and I was assigned the role of Youth League Project coordinator, and that is what am doing to date.
Achievements to date;
- Thomas is in charge of all the volunteers in the organization.
- He assists them in the recruitment process until they become full volunteers; he assesses them, evaluates their work, and helps them develop personal and work related development plans.
- He is charge of Youth League in the organization.
- He is in charge of M &E in YOSC Rwanda.
- He is in charge of Kigali district.
All Thomas’s achievements above and growth into leadership of the organization has been attributed the well implemented change theory and process with the focus of quality delivery of programs and youth leadership development.